Friday 11 December 2009

Another big grats!

Well, seems like Bardo will have 4 hours 5xp tomorrow. Big thanks to everyone who contributed, thanks to our friends from the black side who took time to gather the remaining resources, thanks to Arashi (who's still our Humble [Band]Master and will not blow her own horn on this) for throwing in some drop cards for the last batch of Bronze Coins and leveling on light blue mobs to collect the stuff (73 of the last collectibles were gathered with her char this afternoon).

Thanks also to last night's sleepless party who now hates the sound of "leather sacks". We finished the collection after Nirvana, but it looks like when there's a common goal, some people are still willing to take time and effort and overlook their little issues and work together.

Tomorrow's event will start at 3 p.m. GMT.

Today's Hefei event was also fun, for those who couldn't log in, Ravenclaw spawned lots of bosses from Knife of White Shadows, mansion/WT bosses to the nukers' favorite TGW. At some point even our leaguemates met their death after walking into a tight spot where the Shen Mo clones were gathered along with their minis.

Raven also mentioned something about balancing the classes in the near future, something about the difference being a fine red line (sorry, I'm not great at quoting). It remains to be seen how much wishful thinking and how much real info there was in that.

With big thanks to everyone who contributed to tomorrow's event, have fun and happy leveling.
Squirrel, over and out.

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