Saturday 6 March 2010

Solve the mistery

As we all know, warda made another event for us these days. In few words, we must answer to some questions. Not easy ones anyway :)
So, the rules are:

This event will work as a quest; we will have certain clues and one question or one task. Our duty is to solve the mystery hidden in the clues to answer the question or to complete the task.

The event will have 12 steps, to solve the mystery into each step you will need to look for the answer into the Game Guides (only Official Guides), the Talk Dialog of NPCs, the Game or Clans’ Storyline, etc.
Each step will be opened by posting it in a separated and locked Thread in this Section, adding here the link to this step and it will be closed by adding here the indication that this step is closed.
The time that each step will keep opened depends on each step.
Once all the steps are completed we will post here all the steps, the solution and how to find them, we will add the name of the users that have solved each step.

  • Any Acclaim user can participate.
    But one Account can earn only one reward.
  • You can get any help and can use any character.
    But you cannot use characters from different accounts.
  • Send your answer to adding:
    • In the email subjet:
      • Solve the Mystery Task #
    • In the email contend:
      • Your Acclaim username.
      • o The character name (and server) that you are using and where the reward will be added if you win.
      • The step you are answering.
      • The answer to the current step.
      • How you have found this answer
    Any email without all the required information or received when the step is closed will be considered as a failed answer.
  • Each Step only allows 1 answer for each Acclaim user.
    If a participant sends more than 1 email in one Step, only the first one will be considered being all others answers for this Step disqualified.
    You can use different characters to solve the steps but they must be in same account.
  • Each participant can only win one price.
    Who win the higher price (12 steps completed) cannot win the others and the list of the other winners will be adjusted to have 10 winners by category and server.
    If any participant is disqualified the winner list will be adjusted too.


To earn the reward the players need to solve all the previous steps, then each server will have different winner list.

The players who have solved the steps 1~9 and are the 10 first ones (in each server) answering the 10th step will earn:
    - Male characters: Wan Daye’s Si Chuan Jacket and Pant
    - Female Characters: Wan Daye’s Nanjing Jacket and Pant

The players who have solved the steps 1~10 and are the 10 first ones (in each server) answering the 11th step will earn:
    - Male characters: Wan Daye’s Dragon-embroidered Jacket and Pant
    - Female Characters: Wan Daye’s Lotus Jacket and Pant

The players who have solved the steps 1~11 and are the 10 first ones (in each server) answering the 12th step will earn:
    - Male characters: Wan Daye’s Violet Silk Jacket and Pant
    - Female Characters: Wan Daye’s Red Jade Silk Jacket and Pant

NOTE: Who has solved the 12 steps but cannot earn the price because he has not answered into the 10 firsts participants for his server will be included in the previous lists of winners and will be able to earn the price if he answered into the 10 first for his server and this previous list.

Who has solved 11 or 12 steps but cannot earn the price because he has not answered into the 10 firsts participants for his server will be included in the previous lists of winners and will be able to earn the price if he answered into the 10 first for his server and this previous list.

And here it come the 1st step:

The first step in solving the mystery is to travel to Son Shan in the Zhonguan province. After talking to the Shaolin Elder, Fachang, he offered help. But Shaolin monks are mysterious and busy. In order to teach a Buddhist lesson, he has given clues to find what we are looking for.

Almost all Warriors use blacksmiths. While blacksmiths don’t often talk, they do listen and over hear gossip. And they meet once a month to share new techniques and the tasty bits of conversation with their Master.

We need this information. Who is the Master of the Blacksmiths?

Please, send your answer to adding:
  • In the email subject:
    • Solve the Mystery Task 1
  • In the email contend:
    • Your Acclaim username
    • The character name (and server) that you are using and where the reward will be added if you win
    • The step you are answering
    • The answer
    • How you have found this answer

Any email without all the required information will be considered as a failed answer.

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