Thursday, 16 December 2010

"Back from the dead" or "God help us"

Hyperion , Yesterday, 08:21 PM

Hey All!!

I'm back in the office after the long trip and meeting schedule. It's good to be back in the office again, although I still haven't fully unpacked or had enough time to readjust my internal schedule to PST. But anyway, here are some updates with nonspecific deadlines

Template Characters are coming very SOON! I will likely post up the full announcement tomorrow with all the details you will need to get the template characters applied to your accounts . We had several options with how to do the process, and we opted with the easiest option for the players that gives you the most ability to change/customize things on your end. I assume ill get a lot of questions about this, but don't be surprised if I defer to tomorrow's update. I need to get some files off my laptop, there are some funny things that people put into the character submission sheet that I wanted to share with you all.

Gameguard will be leaving us shortly. We will not be giving you details on what is replacing GG. This is for a few reasons, the most important being, that giving out details on hack mitigation gives the cheaters more information on how to find ways around it, and I would like several weeks/months of no hacking first before we start giving out details. On your end, it will not appear that there is any anti-hack program at all. This new suite of protections is designed to not affect your gameplay at all (unless you run cheats/hacks).

I am catching up on a lot of little stuff too, the network updates are going along at a decent speed, although there hasn't been enough progress on my 9D stuff that I would like. For instance, I am still waiting on tool access to begin events again from my end, but this should be coming either tomorrow/friday or early next week.

Ask questions, ill answer stuff in this thread throughout the day.

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